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Amazon EKS Masterclass: Kubernetes and Microservices on EKS

Master Kubernetes, Microservices, Logging, Monitoring, Service Mesh, DevOps, CI/CD, GitOps, and Go From Zero to Hero! 🚀

This course on kubernetes and microservices is all about getting your hands dirty with practical learning – no nonsense, no jargon, just pure, actionable tutorials and demos with real code and manifest files.

This course takes you on a journey from the fundamentals, perfect for beginners, and smoothly transitions to advanced topics. You'll not only get a solid start but also gain insights into how real-world production systems apply these concepts to create robust, fault-tolerant solutions.

Dive in and get your hands dirty with real-world skills!

What Will You Learn in This Course?

You will be able to confidently write Kubernetes manifests for any kind of application and set up ci/cd pipeline to deploy it on EKS along with Logging, Monitoring and Service Mesh. You will learn how to set up and configure popular tools like Prometheus, Grafana, Istio, Kiali, Jaegar, Argo CD etc. You will also set up CI/CD using DevOps.
1. You will learn Docker fundamentals. In this section you'll learn how to write Dockerfile for an application, create Docker image and run containers. 2. You will acquire an understanding of the Kubernetes Components and Cluster Architecture, which will serve as a solid foundation for this course.
3. You will learn YAML fundamentals and its importance in Kubernetes. 4. You will create Amazon EKS cluster using both the eksctl command line and config files.
5. You will gain clarity on the difference between imperative and declarative approaches. 6. You will learn Kubernetes fundamentals (Namespace, Pod, ReplicaSet, Deployment, Service, etc.)
7. You will learn advanced concepts in Kubernetes (Probes, Init-Containers, ConfigMap, Secrets, Requests and Limits, Service Quota, etc.) 8. You will learn about Storage in Kubernetes, Persistent Volume, PersistentVolume Claim and EBS CSI Driver to manage Amazon EBS in EKS.
9. You will add private nodegroup in EKS cluster and delete the public nodegroup. 10. You will learn about the LoadBalancer service type in detail; Both, the classic load balancer (CLB) and network load balancer (NLB).
11. You will learn about Kubernetes Service Account and IAM Role for Service Account. 12. You will deploy AWS Load Balancer Controller formerly known as AWS ALB Ingress Controller.
13. You will learn about Kubernetes Ingress resource in detail. (Instance/IP mode, Health Check, SSL, SSL Redirect, SSL self discovery, internal alb, etc.) 14. You will deploy External DNS in Kubernetes to automatically manage DNS records in Route 53.
15. You will learn how to create NLB using AWS Load Balancer Controller. 16. You will deploy Metrics Server to monitor Kubernetes resource utilization.
17. You will learn how to set up EKS cluster autoscaling, horizontal pod autoscaling (HPA), and vertical pod autoscaling (VPA). 18. You will learn how to use EKS with ECR (Amazon Elastic Container Registry).
19. You will learn about the Microservice architecture and deploy a simple 3-tier application following the Microservice architecture. 20. You will learn how to set up Logging for your EKS cluster and applications using Fluent Bit and CloudWatch.
21. You will learn how to set up Monitoring for your EKS cluster and applications using Prometheus and Grafana open-source tools. 22. You will learn about Istio Service Mesh and its architecture.
23. You will learn about Gateways, Virtual services, and Destination rules in Istio traffic management. 24. You will deploy Kiali and Jaegar monitoring tools for observability and distributed tracing.
25. You will deploy a meshed microservices architecture consisting of 3 microservices. 26. You will reconfigure Istio to deploy Application Load Balancer instead of Classic Load Balancer.
27. You will learn about Istio traffic routing features (Traffic Splitting, Canary Deployment, Fault Injection, Circuit Breaker, Retry Strategy). 28. You will set up CI/CD using AWS CodePipeline and CodeDeploy.
29. You will set up Argo CD, a declarative, GitOps continuous delivery tool for Kubernetes. 30. You will set up continuous deployment using Argo CD.
31. You will learn about Helm Charts, and some other advanced Kubernetes concepts. 32. You will learn about EKS fargate profiles, Amazon VPC CNI and many other topics.

What Are the Requirements or Prerequisites for Taking This Course?

  • This course is designed to be a hands-on and practical experience. To fully participate and follow along, it is recommended to have an active AWS account but it is not mandatory.

  • No programming, Docker and Kubernetes experience is needed. You'll go from zero to hero.

  • The essential requirement for this program is a genuine interest in acquiring practical skills that will set you apart from your colleagues.

Who Is This Course For?

  • This course is for beginners interested in learning Kubernetes, Microservices, DevOps, and CI/CD using Amazon EKS.

  • This course is for architects, developers, and system administrators who want to deploy a well-architected microservices architecture on Amazon EKS.

  • Anyone who wants to learn how companies deploy applications on Amazon EKS, and how they use various tools to set up logging, monitoring, DevOps, CI/CD, and Service Mesh.

  • This course covers both fundamental and advanced topics in Kubernetes, Logging, Monitoring, Service Mesh, and CI/CD technologies. As such, it is suitable for individuals who wish to expand their knowledge and grasp more complex concepts.

About the Instructor

Hi, I'm Reyansh Kharga, your instructor for the course Amazon EKS Masterclass: Kubernetes and Microservices on EKS.

As a Solutions Architect, I bring a wealth of experience and a deep passion for crafting, designing, and implementing highly available architectures on public cloud platforms.

My expertise primarily revolves around the dynamic realm of cloud computing, where I've cultivated a strong affinity for AWS, Azure, GCP, Kubernetes, Microservices, Service Mesh, and the intricate world of Monitoring Tools, including Prometheus, Grafana, and Kiali.

Over the years, I've had the privilege of assisting a diverse array of startups and clients in the deployment of resilient, secure, and highly available infrastructures across industry-leading cloud platforms such as AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud Platform.

My approach combines a harmonious blend of cloud-native solutions, third-party software, and open-source technologies, all geared towards delivering cost-effective and efficient results.

Join me on this learning journey, and let's explore the intricacies of Amazon EKS and the fascinating universe of kubernetes and microservices in the cloud together. I'm excited to share my knowledge and experiences with you.