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Create and Manage Deployment Using Imperative Commands

Let's look at the imperative commands that you can use to create and manage Kubernetes Deployments.

Here is the Docker Image used in this tutorial: reyanshkharga/nginx

Step 1: Create a Deployment

# Command template
kubectl create deployment <deployment-name> --image=<image-name> --replicas=<replica-count>
kubectl create deployment/<deployment-name> --image=<image-name> --replicas=<replica-count>

# Actual command
kubectl create deployment my-deployment --image=reyanshkharga/nginx:v1 --replicas 2
kubectl create deployment/my-deployment --image=reyanshkharga/nginx:v1 --replicas 2

Step 2: List Deployments

# List all deployments
kubectl get deployments

# List all deployments with expanded (aka "wide") output
kubectl get deployments -o wide

Resource types are case-insensitive and you can specify the singular, plural, or abbreviated forms.

The following commands produce the same output:

kubectl get deploy 
kubectl get deployment
kubectl get deployments


deployment is abbreviated as deploy.

The UP-TO-DATE field shows how many replicas have been updated to the latest version, while the AVAILABLE field shows how many replicas are currently available and ready to serve traffic.

Step 3: View ReplicaSets Created by the Deployment

kubectl get rs | grep my-deployment

You'll see a ReplicaSet created and managed by the Deployment.

The name of the ReplicaSets created by Deployments starts with the deployment name.

Step 4: View Pods Created by the Deployment

kubectl get pods

You'll see Pods created and managed by the Deployment.

The name of the pods created by a Deployment starts with the deployment name.

Step 5: Describe a Deployment

# Command template
kubectl describe deployment <deployment-name>
kubectl describe deployment/<deployment-name>

# Actual command
kubectl describe deployment my-deployment
kubectl describe deployment/my-deployment

Step 6: Delete a Deployment

# Command template
kubectl delete deployment <deployment-name>
kubectl delete deployment/<deployment-name>

# Actual command
kubectl delete deployment my-deployment
kubectl delete deployment/my-deployment