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Update a Kubernetes Deployment

By default, Kubernetes performs rolling updates when you update a Deployment. It does so by creating a new ReplicaSet.

The old ReplicaSets are not deleted. By default, Kubernetes Deployment controller stores up to 10 revisions of a Deployment. This means that when you update a Deployment, the controller will keep up to 10 previous versions of the Deployment's configuration and the ReplicaSets it created.

Let's see this in action!

Step 1: Update a Deployment

Let's update the Deployment to use a new image reyanshkharga/nginx:v2.

You can use kubectl set image command to update the Deployment to use a new image.

# Command template
kubectl set image deployment <deployment-name> <container-name>=<new-image>
kubectl set image deployment/<deployment-name> <container-name>=<new-image>

# Actual command
kubectl set image deployment my-deployment nginx=reyanshkharga/nginx:v2
kubectl set image deployment/my-deployment nginx=reyanshkharga/nginx:v2

Step 2: Verify if the Deployment Was Updated

Verfify the Deployment, Pods, and ReplicaSets:

# Describe deployment
kubectl describe deploy/my-deployment

# List pods
kubectl get pods | grep my-deployment

# List replicasets
kubectl get rs | grep my-deployment

You'll observe the following:

  • The Deployment is updated and uses the updated image.
  • A new ReplicaSet is created
  • New Pods come up and old Pods are terminated.
  • Old ReplicaSets are not deleted (unless this was 11th revision)

Here's a visual representation of the rolling update the Deployment performs:

Rolling Update Using Deployment

Step 3: List Deployment Revisions

As discussed earlier, Kubernetes Deployment controller stores up to 10 revisions of a Deployment.

You can configure the maximum number of revisions to keep by setting the .spec.revisionHistoryLimit field in the Deployment's YAML file using kubectl edit deployment command.

List the Deployment revisions:

# Command template
kubectl rollout history deployment <deployment-name>
kubectl rollout history deployment/<deployment-name>

# Actual command
kubectl rollout history deployment my-deployment
kubectl rollout history deployment/my-deployment

Get the details of a particular revision:

# Command template
kubectl rollout history deployment <deployment-name> --revision=<revision-number>
kubectl rollout history deployment/<deployment-name> --revision=<revision-number>

# Actual command
kubectl rollout history deployment my-deployment --revision=2
kubectl rollout history deployment/my-deployment --revision=2

List ReplicaSets managed by the Deployment:

kubectl get rs | grep my-deployment