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Create and Manage Namespaces Using Imperative Commands

Let's look at the imperative commands that you can use to create and manage kubernetes namespaces.

Step 1: Create a Namespace

# Command template
kubectl create namespace <namespace-name>

Let's create a namespace named dev follows:

# Create namespace dev
kubectl create namespace dev

Step 2: List Namespaces

kubectl get namespaces

Resource types are case-insensitive and you can specify the singular, plural, or abbreviated forms.

The following commands produce the same output:

kubectl get ns 
kubectl get namespace
kubectl get namespaces


namespace is abbreviated as ns.

Step 3: Describe a Namespace

# Command template
kubectl describe namespace <namespace-name>

# Actual command
kubectl describe namespace dev

Step 4: Create Kubernetes Resources in a Namespace

Let's create a pod in the dev namespace that we created:

kubectl run nginx --image=nginx -n dev

You can either use -n or --namespace to specify the namespace where the resource should be created.

Step 5: List Resources in a Namespace

Let's list all the pods in the dev namespace:

kubectl get pods -n dev
kubectl get pods --namespace dev

Let's start a shell session inside the nginx container to verify if the application in the pod is running as expected:

kubectl exec -it nginx -n dev -- bash

Get the default nginx page:

curl localhost

Step 6: Delete a Resource in a Namespace

Let's delete the nginx pod in the dev namespace:

kubectl delete pod nginx -n dev

Step 7: Delete a Namespace

# Command template
kubectl delete namespace <namespace-name>

# Actual command
kubectl delete namespace dev