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Install Metrics Server on EKS Cluster

Metrics Server is a tool in kubernetes that tracks and provides information about how much CPU and memory resources are being used by nodes and pods in the cluster.

Step 1: Deploy the Metrics Server

Deploy the latest or specific release of metrics server as follows:

# Deploy the latest metrics server
kubectl apply -f


# Deploy a specific version of the metrics server
kubectl apply -f

You can check all the releases here: metrics server releases

Step 2: Verify the Metrics Server

Lets' verify the status of the metrics-server APIService. It could take a few minutes to be available.

# Verify the status of metrics server
kubectl get apiservice -o json | jq '.status'

Once the metrics server is available, you should see an output similar to the one below:

  "conditions": [
      "lastTransitionTime": "2023-06-04T03:44:08Z",
      "message": "all checks passed",
      "reason": "Passed",
      "status": "True",
      "type": "Available"

Step 3: View CPU and Memory Usage of Nodes

# View CPU and Memory usage of all the nodes
kubectl top nodes

# View CPU and Memory usage of a particular node
kubectl top node <node-name>

Step 4: View CPU and Memory Usage of Pods

# View CPU and Memory usage of all the pods
kubectl top pods

# View CPU and Memory usage of a particular pod
kubectl top pod <pod-name>