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Static Provisioning of Persistent Volume Using EBS

Let's see how we can use EBS CSI Driver to create a Persistent Volume from an existing Amazon EBS volume.

Step 1: Create an Amazon EBS Volume

Create an Amazon EBS volume:

aws ec2 create-volume \
    --volume-type gp3 \
    --size 5 \
    --encrypted \
    --availability-zone ap-south-1a \
    --tag-specifications 'ResourceType=volume,Tags=[{Key=Name,Value=my-ebs-volume}]'

Make sure you specify the availability-zone where at least one kubernetes worker node is running. This is because this storage will eventually be mounted on a worker node.

If the command executes successfully, you should see an output similar to below:

    "AvailabilityZone": "ap-south-1a",
    "CreateTime": "2023-04-21T08:22:12+00:00",
    "Encrypted": true,
    "Size": 5,
    "SnapshotId": "",
    "State": "creating",
    "VolumeId": "vol-0acc3dba885b0f700",
    "Iops": 3000,
    "Tags": [
            "Key": "Name",
            "Value": "my-ebs-volume"
    "VolumeType": "gp3",
    "MultiAttachEnabled": false,
    "Throughput": 125

Note down the VolumeId from the output. We'll need it when we create Persistent Volume from this EBS volume.

Also, go to AWS console and verify the EBS volume we just created.

The volume state should be Available which means that the volume is not currently attached to any instance and is therefore not in use.

Step 2: Create Persistent Volume (PV)

Let's create a Persistent Volume using the Amazon EBS volume we created in the first step:

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
  name: my-pv
  - ReadWriteOnce
    storage: 5Gi
  persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain
    fsType: ext4
    volumeHandle: vol-0acc3dba885b0f700

Replace the value of volumeHandle with the volume id that you recorded in Step 1.

Observe the following:

  • The reclaim policy is set to Retain
  • The access mode is set to ReadWriteOnce
  • The PV uses the csi provisioner
  • The provisioner uses the EBS CSI driver to create PV using Amazon EBS volume
  • The volume will be formatted and mounted using the ext4 file system.

Create persistent volume:

kubectl apply -f my-pv.yml

Verify the status of persistent volume:

kubectl get pv

You'll observe that the status of the Persistent Volume my-pv is Available and it is not bound to any claim.

Step 3: Create Persistent Volume Claim (PVC)

Let's create a Persistent Volume Claim as follows:

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: my-pvc
  storageClassName: "" # Empty string must be explicitly set otherwise default StorageClass will be set
  volumeName: my-pv # Optional. If not set the PVC will bind to a PV that satisfies the PVC resource requirements
    - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 5Gi

Observe the following:

  • The storageClassName is set to "" because we are not using dyanic provisioning.
  • The access mode is set to ReadWriteOnce. This means the PVC can only be bound to PVs that have the access mode set to ReadWriteOnce.
  • The PVC requests 5Gi storage. This means the PVC can only be bound to PVs that have at least 5Gi storage available.
  • We have explicitly specified the name of the PV to which the PVC should be bound. If we omit the volumeName field, the PVC will bind to a PV that satisfies the PVC's resource requirements, such as the amount of storage needed and the required access mode.

Create persistent volume claim:

kubectl apply -f my-pvc.yml

Verify the status of persistent volume claim:

kubectl get pvc

You'll observe that the PVC my-pvc is bound to the PV my-pv.

Verify the status of persistent volume again:

kubectl get pv

You'll notice that the status of the PV my-pv changes from Available to Bound.

The Amazon EBS volume state will still be Available. The status will change to in-use only when the EBS volume is mounted on a worker node.

Step 4: Create Pods That Uses the Persistent Volume Claim

Let's create pods that uses the Persistent Volume Claim we created in the previous step. We'll use a deployment to create pods.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: my-deployment
  replicas: 1
      app: nginx
        app: nginx
      - name: nginx
        image: reyanshkharga/nginx:v1
        imagePullPolicy: Always
        command: ["/bin/sh"]
        args: ["-c", "while true; do echo $(date -u) >> /my-data/my-persistent-data.txt; sleep 5; done"]
        - name: my-volume
          mountPath: /my-data
      - name: my-volume
          claimName: my-pvc

Obeserve the following:

  • The deployment creates pods with 1 replica
  • The pod has one container named nginx
  • A volume named my-volume is created using the PVC my-pvc we created in the previous step
  • The volume my-volume is mounted on /my-data directory of the nginx container

Apply the manifest to create the deployment:

kubectl apply -f my-deployment.yml

Verify the EBS volume state in AWS console. You'll observe that as soon as the pod is scheduled on a node, the EBS volume is mounted on that node and the state changes from Available to in-use.

You can see the Attached instances field in the EBS details section in the AWS console.

Important Note

In the deployment described above, if the number of replicas is set to a value greater than one, only one pod will be created and scheduled due to the limitations of EBS volumes, which cannot be mounted on multiple nodes and, therefore, multiple pods.

This limitation can be overcome by using StatefulSets, which allow for dynamic provisioning of storage for each pod in the deployment, ensuring that each pod has its own unique storage that persists even if the pod is terminated or rescheduled.

Step 5: Verify Deployment and Pods

# List deployments
kubectl get deployments

# List pods
kubectl get pods -o wide

Step 6: Verify Volume Mount and Data

  1. Open a shell session inside the nginx container:

    kubectl exec -it <pod-name> -- bash
  2. View data:

    tail -f /my-data/my-persistent-data.txt

Step 7: Delete the Deployment and Persistent Volume Claim (PVC)

You need to delete the deployment before you can delete the PVC because Pods uses the claim as volume.

  1. Delete the deployment:

    kubectl delete -f my-deployment.yml
  2. Delete the PVC:

    kubectl delete -f my-pvc.yml

Step 8: Verify the Status of Persistent Volume (PV)

List PVs:

kubectl get pv

You'll observe that the status of PV is Released because the claim bound to this PV has been deleted.

Step 9: Delete the Persistent Volume (PV)

Delete the PV:

kubectl delete -f my-pv.yml

The EBS volume will not be deleted even if you set the reclaim policy to Delete. This is because the EBS volume was not provisioned dynamically and, therefore, is not managed by any provisioner or driver.

Also, verify the EBS volume state in AWS console. You'll observe that as soon as the Persistent Volume is deleted, the EBS volume state changes from in-use to Available.

Step 10: Clean Up

Assuming your folder structure looks like the one below:

|-- manifests
│   |-- my-deployment.yml
│   |-- my-pv.yml
│   |-- my-pvc.yml

Let's delete all the resources we created:

kubectl delete -f manifests/

Also, delete the EBS volume:

aws ec2 delete-volume --region <region-name> --volume-id <volume-id>

Go to AWS console and verify if the EBS volume was deleted.