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Persistent Volume Demo Using Local Storage

Let's see how we can create a Persistent Volume from a local storage using the hostPath provisioner.

Step 1: Verify Directory on Worker Nodes

We'll use /mnt/nginx directory on worker nodes for Persistent Volume.

Verify that /mnt/nginx directory doesn't exist on any worker node:

# Change directory to /mnt
cd /mnt

# List contents of the directory

You'll find that there is no directory named nginx in /mnt directory on worker nodes.

Step 2: Create a Persistent Volume

Let's create a Persistent Volume from local storage using hostPath as follows:

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
  name: my-pv
    storage: 5Gi
  persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain
    - ReadWriteOnce
    path: "/mnt/nginx"

Observe the following:

  • The reclaim policy is set to Retain
  • The access mode is set to ReadWriteOnce
  • The PV uses the hostPath provisioner

Create Persistent Volume:

# Create PV
kubectl apply -f my-pv.yml

List Persistent Volumes:

kubectl get pv
kubectl get persistentvolume
kubectl get persistentvolumes

Describe a persistent Volume:

kubectl describe pv <pv-name>
kubectl describe persistentvolume <pv-name>
kubectl describe persistentvolumes <pv-name>


The default Reclaim Policy for Persistent Volume is Retain.

Step 3: Create a Persistent Volume Claim

Now, let's create a PVC to request storage needed for the pod we'll create in next step:

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: my-pvc
  storageClassName: "" # Empty string must be explicitly set otherwise default StorageClass will be set
  volumeName: my-pv # Optional. If not set the PVC will bind to a PV that satisfies the PVC resource requirements
    - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 5Gi

Create Persistent Volume Claim:

# Create PVC
kubectl apply -f my-pvc.yml

The default Storage Class will be used if you don't explicitly set storageClassName to "". We don't want that since we are not using dynamic provisioning.

A default storage class is automatically created when you create an Amazon EKS cluster. You'll notice that it is marked default.

View the default storage class:

kubectl get sc
kubectl get storageclass
kubectl get storageclasses

You'll see the following output:

gp2 (default)   Delete          WaitForFirstConsumer   false                  30d

Also, all PVCs that have storageClassName set to "" can be bound only to PVs that have storageClassName also set to "".

List Persistent Volume Claims:

kubectl get pvc
kubectl get persistentvolumeclaim
kubectl get persistentvolumeclaims

Describe a persistent Volume Claim:

kubectl describe pvc <pvc-name>
kubectl describe persistentvolumeclaim <pv-name>
kubectl describe persistentvolumeclaims <pv-name>

Observe the following:

  1. The status of my-pvc is Bound
  2. The Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) my-pvc is bound to my-pv Persistent Volume (PV)

Step 4: Create Pods That Uses the Persistent Volume Claim

Let's create pods that uses the Persistent Volume Claim we created in the previous step. We'll use a deployment to create pods:


While it is possible for multiple pods to utilize the same PVC, the practical implementation can be more intricate. When multiple pods need to access a Persistent Volume mounted with a ReadWriteOnce access mode, they must be scheduled on the same node to enable simultaneous access to the volume.

To keep it simple we'll create deployment with only 1 replica pod as follows:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: my-deployment
  replicas: 1
      app: nginx
        app: nginx
        - name: nginx
          image: nginx
            - containerPort: 80
              name: "http-server"
            - mountPath: "/usr/share/nginx/html"
              name: my-volume
        - name: my-volume
            claimName: my-pvc

Obeserve the following:

  • The deployment creates pods with 1 replica
  • Each pod has one container named nginx
  • A volume named my-volume is created from the Persistent Volume Claim
  • The volume my-volume is mounted on /usr/share/nginx/html directory of the nginx container

Apply the manifest to create the deployment:

kubectl apply -f my-deployment.yml

Step 5: Verify Deployment and Pods

# List deployments
kubectl get deployments

# List pods
kubectl get pods -o wide

Step 6: View the Page Served By Nginx Container

  1. Open a shell session inside the nginx container of one of the pods:

    kubectl exec -it <pod-name> -- bash
  2. Get the nginx page:

    curl localhost

You'll receive 403 error page because there is nothing at /usr/share/nginx/html.

Usually there is a default index.html file at /usr/share/nginx/html but since we mounted the local storage on worker node to /usr/share/nginx/html, the content of /usr/share/nginx/html in the nginx container is overwritten.

In Summary, whatever is present on /mnt/nginx on worker node, the same will be available to nginx container on /usr/share/nginx/html.

Step 7: Add the Nginx Page

Connect to the worker node where the pod is running using SSH or session manager.

You'll see the directory /mnt/nginx is created as soon as the pod comes up.

Create a file called index.html with the content below at /mnt/nginx:

<!DOCTYPE html>

<h1>Hello from nginx pod</h1>
<p>The pod uses a persistent volume</p>


Access the nginx page again:

# Open a shell session inside the same nginx container
kubectl exec -it <pod-name> -- bash

# Get the nginx page
curl localhost

You'll observe that the nginx serves the html page we created.

Step 8: Delete the Deployment and Persistent Volume Claim (PVC)

You need to delete the deployment before you can delete the PVC because pods uses the claim as volume.

  1. Delete the deployment:

    kubectl delete -f my-deployment.yml
  2. Delete the PVC:

    kubectl delete -f my-pvc.yml

Step 9: Verify the Status of Persistent Volume (PV)

List PVs:

kubectl get pv

You'll observe that the status of PV is Released because the claim bound to this PV has been deleted.

Step 10: Delete the Persistent Volume (PV)

Delete the PV we created:

kubectl delete -f my-pv.yml

Step 11: Verify That Data is Retained

Since the reclaim policy is set to the default value Retain, the data on worker node will be retained.

You can verify it by logging into the worker node.