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Create Private EKS NodeGroup

So far, our focus has been on using public NodeGroups. However, in a production environment, it is crucial to ensure the security of your nodes by making them private and restricting public access.

From now on, our approach will involve using private nodegroups as the preferred method.

First, we will create a private nodegroup, and subsequently, we will delete the existing public nodegroup.

Step 1: Verify Existing NodeGroups and Nodes

Make sure the AWS CLI is configured and the profile is exported if you are using a named profile:

export AWS_PROFILE=<aws-profile-name>

Verify existing nodegroups and nodes:

# List nodegroups
eksctl get nodegroups --cluster <cluster-name>

# List worker nodes
kubectl get nodes

Step 2: Create a Private EKS NodeGroup

We will use eksctl to create a private NodeGroup.

We will use a configuration file since it requires numerous parameters, although you can also do it via the command line.

You can reuse the cluster.yml file we used earlier to create cluster and public EKS nodegroup. Simply apply the following modifications:

  1. Make a copy of cluster.yml and name it anything you like. Let's name it private-nodegroup.yml.
  2. Remove the version field from the metadata object. We only need cluster name and region.
  3. Remove the top-level iam object. This is needed only when we create the cluster.
  4. In the managedNodeGroups change the name field. Let's name it private-nodegroup.
  5. In the managedNodeGroups change the privateNetworking field to true since we want our worker nodes to be present in private subnets.

The modified file should look similar to the below:

kind: ClusterConfig

  name: my-cluster
  region: ap-south-1
  # version: "1.28"

  - ap-south-1a
  - ap-south-1b
  - ap-south-1c

# iam:
#   withOIDC: true

  - name: private-nodegroup
    privateNetworking: true
    instanceType: t3.medium
    minSize: 2
    maxSize: 2
    volumeSize: 20
      allow: true
      publicKeyName: my-eks-key
        imageBuilder: true
        autoScaler: true
        externalDNS: true
        certManager: true
        appMesh: true
        appMeshPreview: true
        ebs: true
        fsx: true
        efs: true
        awsLoadBalancerController: true
        xRay: true
        cloudWatch: true

Apply the config to create private nodegroup in our eks cluster:

# Create private nodegroup
eksctl create nodegroup --config-file=private-nodegroup.yml

Step 3: Verify the Private NodeGroup and Nodes

# List nodegroups
eksctl get nodegroups --cluster <cluster-name>

# List worker nodes
kubectl get nodes

Step 4: Delete Public Nodes and NodeGroup

Once the nodes from the private nodegroup are in Ready state we can go ahead and delete our public nodegroup.

To safely delete the public nodegroup in your Amazon EKS cluster, follow these steps:

  1. Confirm that all necessary applications and services are running smoothly:

    # List pods in all namespaces
    kubectl get pods -A -o wide
    # List services in all namespaces
    kubectl get svc -A
  2. Cordon the public nodes to prevent new pods from being scheduled on them. You can use the following command to cordon each node in the public nodegroup:

    kubectl cordon <node_name>
  3. Drain the public nodes to gracefully evict any running workloads. You can use the following command to drain each node:

    kubectl drain <node_name> --ignore-daemonsets --delete-emptydir-data
  4. Verify that all pods (except Daemonset pods) have been successfully moved to the private nodes by running the following command:

    # List nodes
    kubectl get nodes
    # List pods
    kubectl get pods -A -o wide
  5. Once all pods have been evacuated, you can delete the public nodegroup safely:

    # Delete public nodegroup
    eksctl delete nodegroup <public-nodegroup-name> --cluster <cluster-name>
  6. Verify nodes and nodegroups:

    # List nodegroups
    eksctl get nodegroups --cluster <cluster-name>
    # List worker nodes
    kubectl get nodes